Jing Zhao is a filmmaker and video artist based in London.


She began her journey in filmmaking at the London Film School, graduating with distinction in 2023. The same year, She became a BAFTA Connect member.


Drawing from her background in Psychology, she sees filmmaking as a form of exposure therapy, utilizing her experiences, thoughts, and reflections in her work. Her film traverses both fiction and non-fiction, exploring a wide spectrum of storytelling with a focus on authentic, nuanced female characters in their intimate relationships. Her current research and creative interests include multicultural conflict, modern mythology, and man-made stage space.


The films she has written, directed, or produced have been recognized internationally, including at Cannes La Cinéf, Slamdance, Visions du Réel, Nara International Film Festival and more.




Praeis, the film she produced, had its world premiere at La Cinéf, Festival de Cannes on 21st May 2024.


Her new work, Place in the Non-Place: Transit Operas, which has been nominated for the FluxusMuseum Prize for Experimental Video, is showing in Paros, Greece, from June to September 2024.


She is currently in London preparing her first VR film Snow, Tiger, Reunion.

Treatment available upon request.